Friday 22 July 2011

Authenticity for the Authentic

My dear friend Jess left University to pursue her true dream of awesome clothing and sneaker design and like the true industrious German that she is, got crackin on making the amazing that is

Gungho clothing.

Although we miss her face around the hallowed halls of our establishment, we're stoked that she has found her calling and is quit frankly ripping it up! I'm a proud owner of both a rad rad rad Baseball tee that I wear all the damn time now and some sick kicks that shine with the power of a thousand suns!

Check out her blog with all the products on it and get yourself something sick! Stock is limited but flippin well priced, so get off yer ass and get some shoes that were authentically made for those that believe authenticity is a virtue and not a goddamn fashion trend!



Monday 18 July 2011

Hypocritical Hypocrisy

Here is some commentary on the internet, found on the internet that I am now reposting on the internet.

The cycle of hypocrisy is definitely laughable.

And sad.


Sunday 12 June 2011

I’ve Only Begun to Give You a Lesson in Violence

The state of the world. The effect of global warming. Meteors are coming at any point to destroy us. Lady Gaga got a shit review for wearing a giant tampon attached to the carcass of a horse that she was wheeling around on roller blades.


Who cares?

The detraction from the regularities and unembellished happiness that we take, and don’t, from our daily existence is troubling. Sincerely so. You’re a victim of it, I’m a victim of it. Everyone is a fucken victim of it. Jesus. We love that victim card. In a society so plagued with the scourge of apathy and the illusion of empathy, we find a huge detraction from the way in which one should live one’s life.

I am telling you what to do.

Am I an authority? No.

Should you trust me? No.

Do I care? No.

You are here.

You are reading.

I don’t expect you to follow anything.

But first of all. Fuck you.

Fuck the existence you deemed worthy. Empty and meaningless in droves. Why? Because whether you like it or not you are not in control. Will you ever be? Probably not. But that’s not up to me. I don’t even think it is up to you. Maybe if you balance your karma correctly shit will come right. But mumbo jumbo bullshit is exactly that. Escape, and escape and escape till there is no where to run that makes you feel like you have gotten away. Oh, there will always be escapism. There has to. Not everyone has reached their expiry dates yet. Neither have you. You are still escaping. Is this beneficial to you? Is this something that you can take for ungranted and utilize in the world you have created for yourself? Then why are you here? Surely everything you do should be to your own benefit? No, don’t tell yourself that you are a selfless person. Bullshit, and you know it. True altruism is only attainable once a worm is feasting on your corpse and there is fuck all you can do about it.

Because you are dead.

Otherwise you will always be reaping some sort of benefit from you act of so called “selflessness”. Do it for your own benefit. No one else’s. You are not being a prick, you are being a goddam human being.

Find meaning.

Go find it!

In the smallest thing, the biggest thing, the ugliest fucken thing, just find some fucken meaning. You think the news report in the paper, the tv, the radio is going to be delivering meaning to you? A hollow bunch of empty words used to make sure someone maintains there job and can promote the news agency and themselves in order to reap a higher profit? Meaning. Less. Shut yourself off. Fuck that electronic device that will somehow deliver the momentary satisfaction of pleasure that is essentially telling your brain that you can now relax. We are dull, lifeless and apathetic, falsely empathic and selfishly sympathetic. We make other peoples problems our own, why? Not for the sake of their problems but because we can drive the point home to them that we understand and that they are not alone, because we have been there and our story was a lot worse. Personality-masturbation is the greatest threat we face at the moment. Life is nothing without reputation in this world of ours at present. How did that become the case? Reputation is now the be all and end all, and you have to preserve that in whatever and through whatever methodology you prescribe to. How can you be someone when you cannot be reputable? By these standards, how can you exist without your reputation? I don’t know. I’d like to know. But absolute truths do not tend to lend themselves to those not looking. And I am not looking. I am far too apathetic.

“Where to then, oh jaded and cynical bastard?” I hear you scream.

Here is where.

One day. Today, tomorrow, next decade whenever. Forget who you are. All your preconceived notions about everything need to be tossed out of your head. And then go for a walk. Pretend that you are learning everything again. Meet every single person you see. If they are arseholes, ask yourself why? If they are nice, ask yourself why? Take all the satisfaction from it, but never stop questioning it. We are so set in our own misconceived preconceptions of the world that we do not stop and consider and then reconsider the gravity, or lack thereof, of a situation. Just give yourself a fresh perspective. Nothing in this life is paramount to your own happiness. This is not an unfortunate fact. This is not a selfish fact. This is merely a fact. Do what makes you happy. But look at what makes you happy. Question it. Break it down. Remove the trimmings that is/are associated with what it is. All the meaningless crap that it could do without. And then decide. If does not make you happy, then repeat the above steps, lather and then rinse. If it makes you happy, ask yourself whether you are a habitual liar, and just do this process of self-appraisal to justify your existence, you are not happy. And if it still makes you happy, then well done my friend, you are truly alive. Hold onto that and keep it safe and away from the invasive nature of the world out there, who would love nothing more then to tell you how you should rather be happy.

Question everything about your happiness. Happiness should not be inevitable, it should be that constant drive that will lead you to being that awesomely capable human being that something inside, and not some prick with a microphone, is telling you. Who doesn’t want that?

Question everything about yourself and your environment. Is it conducive to this seemingly and unseemingly attainable goal of happiness? Purge yourself of it. Nothing and no one has the right to stand in your way. Authority is illusion, you are your own authority. Follow your feeling what you know is right, and good, and makes you what you truly are.

Question everything? Why?


Wednesday 11 May 2011

Jos Holland? More like Jos Oh-My-God-This-Guy-Is-Amazing!

I recently stumbled across Jos Holland's site at, and he simply blew my mind into billions of really cooly drawn little pieces.

He has that kind of scarily good, NEY! amazing talent. He blogs as well! Sweet! Check him out if you want to have your evening ruined by realising that you simply will never be able to live up to the standard that Jos is setting for BITCHIN RAD DRAWINGS!!!

...and here are some of them now:

Monday 9 May 2011

The Devil is in the Derails


Once again procrastination central.

This post can be counted as the one constructive thing that I will accomplish tonight.


I dunno.

Personally I blame the internet and it's very limited treasure trove of inactivity. Limited in the sense that facebook (goddamn you facebook), trawling for new music and Stumble Upon are my internet drugs of choice at the moment. Nothing else. Is there really anything else though? Has this beast known as the internet been truly as wide, bold and exhaustive then when it was originally envisioned? Well it was envisioned as a network for scienctific lads to nerd out on, so this initial premise is a fallacy. Yet the idea of the internet is still suppose to be true to the slightly naive view that I'm postulating.

Why isn't it?

Why are we so dictated by the three major social network platforms? Twitter, myspace and the gargantuan facebook are now our main method of information exchange, and I swear to god, if my lecturers put my assignments up on facebook, that shit would be done, snappy like. We are so dictated by the meme of the moment that we don't look elsewhere to develope our own sense of humour, language, and conspiracy. 4Chan and all the anon's that reside upon the domain of exchange set the tone for how our humour will be dictated. It's the height of fashion when its decided by a few people and it's all essentially intangible bullshit. Maybe it's just our generation, but the scary thing is that it isn't. When 7 year olds are trolling on their blackberrys and posting the latest Charlie Sheen rant to their mates, what hope is there for them ten years down the line when they will be digitally digestive of everything that comes their way?

It's the antithesis that is the appealant to us.

The advertisers think they have the power of running our notions of what is the trend at the moment, but they truly don't. The true control is the submersion that you experience in some respective digitial diversion. Derailing you. Ha! You had a goal tonight? Not till you have checked, rechecked and explored every link available and every bit of information available to you, as long as it appeals to your appetite of internet debauchery.

We are a world of information addicts, and do you think this blog is actually helping matters? Pffft.


Sunday 8 May 2011

Hot! Dam! The Future!

This was a spread done by the insanely funny mock-comic Gutters. As a follow up to America! Fucked Back! I think its preeeeeeeeetty appropriate, and also a bit more lighthearted than the ranting that I've been up to lately. Enjoy!

This was done in March this year (2011) and is a pretty fucken scarily accurate prediction of what happened from the 29th of April till the 1st of May. The royal wedding and then Osama getting his ass killed! Gutters must have a witchdoctor on retainer, or a set of Mayan runes that we just have never seen to be able to predict the future like this

If you love comics and are folliwing some titles regulary, check out: